The Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRCNS) was created in 1942. Nicknamed the “Wrens,” these women served in 48 trades, including coders, visual signalers, teletype operators, switchboard and radio operators, plotters and telegraphists.

If you’ve dropped into the museum since we’ve reopened, you’ve seen uniformed personnel at the front entrance. The uniformed personnel are Personnel Awaiting Training (PATs) supplied by the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics (CFSCE) to help support the operations of the museum.

Murray MacKenzie Whetung was born November 30, 1921 at Curve Lake First Nations, Ontario to Daniel Eli Whetung and Muriel Emerald Jones.

Brigadier General (ret) Josée Robidoux is the new Colonel Commandant of the C&E Branch and the first woman to be Colonel Commandant of the C&E Branch.

At the beginning of World War II all the major powers had developed at least a minimal radar capability to combat the lack of secrecy when using radio, but Britain was the technical leader in radar research, including designing microwave radar.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our will, our reopening has been postponed to Tuesday 15 February 2022 at 9am.